From the Classroom to the Home

Songs and Such:

(Sung to If You're Happy and You Know It)
This song practices animal sound and body part recognition.

Theres a (quack, quack) on my (back), on my (back)
Theres a (quack, quack) on my (back), on my (back)
Yes its on my back, you see
What a silly place to be
Theres a (quack, quack) on my (back), on my (back)

Whats on my back?
Its a __________!

Repeat with:
(moo-moo, shoe) (neigh neigh, nose) (tweet tweet, tummy) (hee-haw, head) (cluck cluck, chin)

Practicing getting ready to transition activities and listening skills

Hands up high (hold hands in air)
Hands down low (hold hands by sides)
Hide those hands (place hands behind your back)
Where did they go? (shrug shoulders)
Out comes one (show one hand)
Out comes two (show other hand)
Clap them, fold them
Now we're through (place hands in lap)


Practice tracing letters.
- Write lowercase and uppercase letters in dotted lines. Have children trace and then write on own

Recognizing letter sounds.
- Make sound and ask to tell letter. Vice versa

Writing/ reading three letter words
- This week we worked on the letters and sounds that make the word "dog." Practice other related beginning level words.


Currently we are talking about staying healthy. We talked about different ways that our bodies can be come sick and the proper ways of taking care of ourselves. (Ex. eating healthy (what are healthy foods), washing our hands, etc)